13th Annual Rumpshaker 5K Run/Walk
  Birmingham, AL ...................................... March 27, 2021
 Results are grouped in the following sequence.
 1.) Coed Teams (minimum (2) females)
 2.) Female Teams (all female)
 3.) Male Teams (minimum (4) males)

                                Coed Teams
      Total       AVG Time
Place  Time       of Top 5      Gender    Team Name

  1. 1:55:05   34(  23:01)
  1    18:33  Ann Stalvey           F    Resolute Running                         
  2    22:11  Jessica Roberts       F    Resolute Running                         
  3    24:25  Ava Gray              F    Resolute Running                         
  4    24:52  Dale Landefeld        M    Resolute Running                         
  5    25:04  Melissa Sanchez       F    Resolute Running                         

  2. 2:11:58   26(  26:24)
  1    23:19  Jagoba Angulo         M    MS - USA                                 
  2    23:25  Diego San Martin      M    MS - USA                                 
  3    24:50  Ignacio Sanchez       M    MS - USA                                 
  4    27:32  Lucia Perez           F    MS - USA                                 
  5    32:52  Marta Ibanez-Azcona   F    MS - USA                                 

  3. 2:13:26   62(  26:42)
  1    21:59  Skyler Jones          M    Wendy's Warriors                         
  2    25:34  Lisa Rutledge         F    Wendy's Warriors                         
  3    25:48  Angie Hogeland        F    Wendy's Warriors                         
  4    27:22  Robert Glandon        M    Wendy's Warriors                         
  5    32:43  Annette Doss          F    Wendy's Warriors                         

  4. 2:27:16   20(  29:28)
  1    24:09  Reed Forbus           M    Grand Slammers                           
  2    26:54  Greg Thomas           M    Grand Slammers                           
  3    26:59  Jason Priecko         M    Grand Slammers                           
  4    32:39  Collin Nichols        F    Grand Slammers                           
  5    36:35  Jessie Johnson        F    Grand Slammers                           

  5. 2:34:27   56(  30:54)
  1    25:36  Colton Moorehouse     M    The Blue Crew                            
  2    28:21  Sheila Freeman        F    The Blue Crew                            
  3    29:54  Jeff Adams            M    The Blue Crew                            
  4    29:55  Sue Adams             F    The Blue Crew                            
  5    40:41  Sharon Anderson       F    The Blue Crew                            

  6. 2:45:13   27(  33:03)
  1    23:19  Donnie Peterson       M    Nightshift Nobodies                      
  2    30:25  Iliana Hayakahua      F    Nightshift Nobodies                      
  3    35:08  Jaciene Mann          F    Nightshift Nobodies                      
  4    35:41  Kyle Roberson         M    Nightshift Nobodies                      
  5    40:40  Steve Johnson         M    Nightshift Nobodies                      

  7. 2:45:33   37(  33:07)
  1    22:26  Nicole Eisenberg      F    Running for SuSu                         
  2    30:27  Cooper Eisenberg      M    Running for SuSu                         
  3    31:43  Amanda Baker          F    Running for SuSu                         
  4    36:12  Mackenzie Eisenberg   F    Running for SuSu                         
  5    44:45  Nick Case             M    Running for SuSu                         

  8. 2:51:46    1(  34:22)
  1    28:06  Joe Sherman           M    Air Butts                                
  2    33:24  Eric Watts            M    Air Butts                                
  3    34:34  Johnna Weldon         F    Air Butts                                
  4    37:47  Nick Mundy            M    Air Butts                                
  5    37:55  Misty Pressley        F    Air Butts                                

  9. 2:52:10   19(  34:26)
  1    25:48  Greg Champion         M    Gastro Health                            
  2    27:03  Wiley Truss           M    Gastro Health                            
  3    28:44  Rachel Truss          F    Gastro Health                            
  4    29:50  Molly McVey           F    Gastro Health                            
  5  1:00:45  Hollie Crow           F    Gastro Health                            

 10. 3:00:09   48(  36:02)
  1    23:14  Jon Mangina           M    Team Mangina - Buns on the Run           
  2    31:58  Kevin Talley          M    Team Mangina - Buns on the Run           
  3    34:20  Cathy Mangina         F    Team Mangina - Buns on the Run           
  4    37:46  Cd Hamilton           F    Team Mangina - Buns on the Run           
  5    52:51  Whitney Kirk          F    Team Mangina - Buns on the Run           

 11. 3:04:21   59(  36:53)
  1    24:58  Jake Cochran          M    Trottin for Tessie                       
  2    31:22  Allen Cochran         M    Trottin for Tessie                       
  3    36:41  Alicia Williamson     F    Trottin for Tessie                       
  4    42:55  Heather English       F    Trottin for Tessie                       
  5    48:25  Amy Williamson        F    Trottin for Tessie                       

 12. 3:32:39    8(  42:32)
  1    31:12  Lavon Beard           M    Brookwood Baptist Health                 
  2    38:34  Marsha Newton         F    Brookwood Baptist Health                 
  3    41:08  Amber Christie        F    Brookwood Baptist Health                 
  4    46:27  Kami Perry            F    Brookwood Baptist Health                 
  5    55:18  Bethany Corey         F    Brookwood Baptist Health                 

 13. 4:05:11   43(  49:03)
  1    28:17  Laura Grills          F    Sweet Cheeks                             
  2    41:07  Pamela Chandler       F    Sweet Cheeks                             
  3    58:30  Nancy Collins         F    Sweet Cheeks                             
  4    58:35  Roberta Dunnaway      F    Sweet Cheeks                             
  5    58:42  Andrew Harris         M    Sweet Cheeks                             

 14. 4:16:23   28(  51:17)
  1    42:29  Renee Phelps          F    No Butts About It!                       
  2    42:30  Scott Phelps          M    No Butts About It!                       
  3    57:01  Drew Smith            M    No Butts About It!                       
  4    57:09  David Smith           M    No Butts About It!                       
  5    57:14  Julie Smith           F    No Butts About It!                       

 15. 5:16:01   25(1:03:13)
  1  1:02:14  Ashley Freeman        F    Movin Our Booty's for John               
  2  1:02:16  Jordan Archer         M    Movin Our Booty's for John               
  3  1:03:36  Doug Archer           M    Movin Our Booty's for John               
  4  1:03:54  Becky Ryder           F    Movin Our Booty's for John               
  5  1:04:01  John Archer           M    Movin Our Booty's for John               

                             All Female Teams
      Total       AVG Time
Place  Time       of Top 5      Gender    Team Name

  1. 2:50:15   40(  34:03)
  1    28:40  Tiffany McPherson     F    Squad                                    
  2    33:58  Jennifer Rouse        F    Squad                                    
  3    34:07  Molly Hopkins         F    Squad                                    
  4    35:49  Rachel Glenn          F    Squad                                    
  5    37:41  Harolda McPherson     F    Squad                                    

  2. 4:44:59   57(  57:00)
  1    41:18  Jeanne Harem          F    The Original Rumpshakers                 
  2    52:29  Amanda Carden         F    The Original Rumpshakers                 
  3  1:02:51  Ally Gibson           F    The Original Rumpshakers                 
  4  1:04:07  April Gardner         F    The Original Rumpshakers                 
  5  1:04:14  Vivian Scott          F    The Original Rumpshakers                 

                                Male Teams
      Total       AVG Time
Place  Time       of Top 5      Gender    Team Name

  1. 1:38:41   16(  19:45)
  1    17:45  Brian Lewis           M    F3                                       
  2    18:25  Scott Upton           M    F3                                       
  3    18:50  Stephen Upton         M    F3                                       
  4    19:28  Mike McCutchin        M    F3                                       
  5    24:13  Luis Aquino           M    F3